Wine tasting has long been a favorite past time for us. We love heading out to wineries for an afternoon of sipping wine. So, what better way to celebrate the end of our first trimester then to head out to the wineries. Even if I can't drink the ambiance is still nice. We had successfully kept our little secret from everyone except close family and I was dying to announce to our close friends the Tomasulo's and Devey's.
We could not have asked for a more perfect day. It was sunny and warm, the wines were gorgeous, and Pearmund had love music playing when we got there. The Devey's arrived with little Grace in tow. As everyone settled in with a glass of wine, I was inside at the play corner with Grace. I decided to let her in on the news first. After a minute of puzzlement, she asked if the baby was in my belly at that moment and what "her" name is. I told her we did not know if it was a girl or boy and we had to think of a name. She had many ideas, all deriving from Disney Princess movies:) I told her baby would be arriving around her birthday.
When we headed out to our table, I asked Grace to tell her grandparents what Cat and Mooch were giving her for her birthday. Rather shyly, she told them, "Cat has a baby in her tummy." The rest involves some screaming and some crying.
Unfortunately, not all the Tomasulo's and Devey's could be there-so we had a few phone calls to make from the winery as well.
Here are some photos from our fun day...
Mitch and I
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