Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Success!!!

Well, we are still alive and kicking after hosting Christmas for our families at Casa Zumwalt. Everything went smoothly and everyone had a wonderful time. Food was good, drinks were tasty, and company was fun. And it was a beautiful day. Michelle and I even took a walk and were getting hot. It was nice to open the windows and smell the crisp December air.
Mitch and I enjoyed cooking and being the hosts. The last of our guests are gone and Mitch works today. I have cleaned a bit, but mostly I have been detoxing from the holiday fun.
Now what...clean-up, but that can wait until Friday. First a day of watching movies on the couch with the hubby tomorrow and just relaxing.

1 comment:

laura said...

We missed you and "Mooch" at the Deveys!!