Tomorrow is my last day of work for two weeks. The benefit of working for a private school is that we get two full weeks off for the holidays. Woo-hoo!!!
And Mitch's scheduled "kelly days" are here on Friday. One of the benefits to this whole 24 hour shift thing is every few weeks Mitch gets "kelly days" to balance the work hours, which means he will have 7-10 days off every few weeks. It's a beautiful thing.
I know, I know-why more time off when you only work every three days anyway, don't know. Just the way it is.
So, we both will be off together until Mitch goes back to work the following Thursday. What does this mean. Shopping and errand running in the middle of the afternoon with no crowds on weekdays. Wine nigths on weeknights. Going to lunch and to see a movie with no one else around. Perhaps, a lazy day watching t.v. by the fire.
We can finish painting the basement. Decorate the Christmas Tree and clean for the holidays. Start planning our first Christmas in our new home with both our famillies as guests...yep, I am cooking.
Friday here we come!!!!