Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This Thursday our new carpet will be installed. So, what does this mean. Well, one would think it would mean this weekend we could put the basement back together. Oh, no-that would be simple and sane. Nope, I called MItch this afternoon and informed him we would be painting this weekend. I have always been a fairly spontaneous person, but I have gotten a little better over the years.
However, I sat there thinking-why in the world would we move everything back in place and paint a year or two from now- if it is already out of the way. Just do it now.
I know the reasoning is overwhelming.
So, the big question from the hubby was why I did not think to do this the past three weekends, when there was no carpet and painting would be easier and less hassle. Well, that would have been too easy and too predictable:)
So, this Friday night after work we will set out to Lowe's to pick out colors and spend the weekend(which is supposed to be cold, so it is good timing) painting. I am psyched!!!

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