Friday, April 3, 2009

39 WEEKS!!!

On March 31st, Mitch and I met with Dr. P for our final appointment before baby's arrival. We discussed that I am still 2 centimeters dilated and 80 effaced...which was what they told me the week prior. All my other stats were fine and about the same as the week before. Baby's heartbeat sounded good and he/she is snug in my belly.
Dr. P discussed what to look out for in the next week or so in terms of labor signs. She, also, discussed some other relevant information about labor and what to expect at the hospital. So, it seems as if we are ready to go-unless baby decides to be stubborn.
Mitch and I headed out this past Sunday to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate the last 9 months. We had a yummy dinner and enjoyed one of our final meals alone. My Spring Break starts this Friday and I am hoping baby stays in through the weekend. We have a few last minute house and baby chores to complete and a big party to attend.

Milchak Mom gave me one of the only maternity shirts still owns. I thought it was important to get a shot of mommy and grandma wearing the same maternity shirt.

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