Wednesday, December 24, 2008

24 Weeks

We headed to our 24-week appointment on December 23rd. Which actually put us at 25 weeks. They did the normal checks on me and baby. Everything is coming a long fine. We met with our third and final physician, Dr. P. So, we have Dr. W,-very serious, old school doc-he makes me laugh with his no nonsense, one word answers. (Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.) Dr. G, whom I love because she jokes and giggles through every exam. And Dr. P who is very sweet and reassuring. She answers every question we can conjure up for her. It was important to us when we chose a OB office that there would be multiple people "on call" for baby's big debut. This way we will hopefully know our baby's doctor, instead of being surprised. Plus rotating doctors has been nice and takes away from the hum drum of the check-ups.

We listened to baby's heartbeat, which as usual was strong with an occasional muffled kick. Baby has become increasingly active, especially in the morning and evening. Sweet Pea loves to pound away in the morning before I am ready to get up and in the evening just before I fall asleep. Baby has, also, become more active after afternoon meals. Baby loves to start squirming after mommy eats yummy food. We, also, have discovered that we can now see baby kicking and punching my belly. At night, Mitch will talk to Sweet Pea and in a matter of moments my belly starts dancing. It kind of reminds me of the scene in Alien, when we first see the baby alien come out of that guy's stomach during dinner, hee, hee.

I was assured that from here on out baby would become even more active and my adorable 2nd trimester belly was going to start growing rather rapidly. We, also, have appointments made through March, many of which will be only 2 weeks apart. Wow, our calendar consists of nothing else besides OB appointments.

24 Weeks

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