We finally found a sunny weekend to do the landscaping we have been planning. We decided to create a mulch bed on the left side of the house this season and do the other side next season. Plans changed slightly. Mitch went out at 6am on Saturday to get muclh, 40 bags!!! Forever the man who calculates everything, Mitch figured this is what we needed by the square footage. And I, forever the cheap chick, was appalled.
After planting the rhododendrons and hydrangera, we realized we had almost 20 bags left. I had already remulched the front. So, a bright idea kicked in to go ahead with the other side this season too. So, we ran out this morning and got a few ever greens and hostas and dug up the side yard on the right. The crepe myrtles will be put in next weekend. Mitch is exhausted and I am achy. But, it is done and looks great. We can't wait to watch everything grow and see them bloom this year.
After planting the rhododendrons and hydrangera, we realized we had almost 20 bags left. I had already remulched the front. So, a bright idea kicked in to go ahead with the other side this season too. So, we ran out this morning and got a few ever greens and hostas and dug up the side yard on the right. The crepe myrtles will be put in next weekend. Mitch is exhausted and I am achy. But, it is done and looks great. We can't wait to watch everything grow and see them bloom this year.
The Mulch