Grace introducing Mitch to the Wiggles Firefighter song

let you live with them for an indefinite amount of time.
Last March, we put our townhouse for sale during a slow market. We figured that would give it sometime to sell while we waited for our home to be done in June. But, as luck would have it-our house sold within the first week on the market. The buyers wanting to close in April. So, we were homeless.
However, our very close friends, rather family, the Barnharts offered to let us live with them. We could have our on room, storage space, and bathroom(well, sharing it with their little princess). What more could you ask for? In return, we would help clean, babysit, cook, and grocery shop.
So, come April we moved in to their home in Herndon and the party began. We would all come home from work and take turns cooking and doing the dishes. We would watch great (or bad depending on who you are) television in the evening. The boys would heckle the girls and the girls would trash the boys. ..especially after they shamelessly came home from a certain fight at the Patriot Center. We fought over silly things, like whether Bon Jovi was amazing or who should win American Idol. We all played in the yard after work with their adorable daughter. And we all shared in taking turns putting Grace to bed and then enjoyed drinking a glass of wine on the deck. We lazily layed by their pool on the weekends. Game nights always ended in hilarity. The running joke was it was like camp. And it really was.
We were eating dinner the other night and began talking about how we missed living with them. Obviously, it is so nice to have your own home and I am sure they love having their home back as well. But, honestly, it was a lot of fun living with another couple. We miss our time living with these amazing friends and are forever greatful that they did not let us go homeless:) We think a sleepover may be in order soon...what do you think Jaime?
Ice Cream with Firefighters
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