So, it started a few weeks ago. I was getting out of bed one morning and saw a bug flying around the room. After it landed on the window, I went over to dispose of it. However, after realizing it was a ladybug caught it and put it outside. After all, it is bad luck to kill a ladybug, especially one in your house or if it has landed on you. I know it is an old wive's tale, but it sounds true.
Anyway, I thought nothing of it.
A few days later anouther ladybug found it's way into our home. I saw a bug flying around the livng room and it kept hitting the window above our fireplace. I went to catch it and put it outside, it was another ladybug. As I released this one out he back patio door, another ladybug was on the wall by the door. Seriously...
So, I was leaving for work earlier this week and Mitch as sitting in the living room. I glanced up and saw a bug above the breakfast table light. I, also, saw a dark mass of "something" in the corner of the breakfast room. I was running out the door and asked Mitch to investgate and dispose. He called me ten minutes later to inform me that the bug above the light was...you guessed it, a ladybug. And the dark mass, a swarm, colony, family...not quite sure what to call it of...yep, that's right folks-LADYBUGS! He had caught them all and put them outside.
So, what does this mean. Well, people say ladybugs are good luck. While we think people make their own luck and we have had so many wonderful years together and before we met-I figure with all the activity in our house, we must be looking at an incredible 2008, ha, ha, ha. You gotta love those ladybugs:)
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