I sat here the other day and though about the craziness of our move...and then thought I would send a shout out to all those who helped.
A special thanks to our dear freinds the B family for letting us crash in their home for three months. Although it felt like camp most of the time, we know it must have been hard to have houseguests for an extended amount of time...so love to them.
My mom, of course, for letting us stash what would not fit into the storage units at her house.
The hubby's brother and dad for helping with the heavy stuff that I gave up on during the move to the storage unit...hee, hee. Jeremy for his efforts in a pre-moving day event...your car was most helpful. Jenn for organzing my kitchen, because it was the one thing I did not want to do. All the folks who came out to visit the house while it was under construction, that one was just for fun-but thanks all the same.
And all those who came out on moving day. It meant so much to us that so many friends supported us and the wieght of all our belongings that day. Had it not been for the 15 people here that day, we would have never been able to get in the house in a record 2 hours...THANK YOU!!! Especially, to all those strong firefighters, who lifted the heavy stuff. And thanks to the hubby's parents for supplying food that day. Nicole and Fred for keeping us laughing when we thought we did not have a moving truck..ha, ha. A special thanks to Big Hoss Bloss, for her trucker skills...long story.
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