Blame it on "pregnancy brain," but I am easily fooled. I headed to work on Thursday, March 26th like any other day. Walking into my classroom, I was immediately bombarded by children with art work. Our art shelf at work is full of fun projects for the kiddies to enjoy. Some day s I will get a picture or two offered to me, but i try to convince them to take it home to mommy and daddy.
For some reason today's outpouring of art worked felt a little different. All I heard was, "This is for baby," "Presents for the baby, " "Is baby here yet." I get this most days, but that day it was really out of hand. I just went about my day, thinking they must know the end is near. They all know my due date and we have a countdown calendar in the classroom. But, a few kids mentioned something about a party. I thought nothing of it, children are always talking nonsense.
So, fast forward to 5pm. I am asked by Carol, the lead morning teacher, to leave and go to the activity room so she can do some work in the classroom. No big deal. About 20 minutes later she comes to collect the children and myself. We walk down the hall to the class and "SURPRISE." The parents in my room have decorated the room beautifully and there are treats everywhere. The children and parents have thrown me a baby shower. I was clueless. Carol informs me that this was why all the kids were so excited all day long and even says they actually mentioned the shower to me several times throughout the day. Nice, right? You would love your kid in my room, considering I do not listen.
We enjoyed chocolate chip cookies, fresh strawberries, and the best red-velvet cupcakes in the world. I should mention another theme for the day. A friend at work came to my classroom during lunch time and mentioned how there seemed to be a lot of kids in red that day. Again, I did not think much of it.. Work with people long enough and people start wearing the same thing. It happened with Jennifer V. at my previous job all the time. We were known to show up in the same shirt. And with 27 kids in the classroom, they are bound to have the same color on. I joked that it was for me. The kids love all "Catherine facts" and the most popular one is that i love red. Anytime they have red on, it is important to point it out to me. Well, guess what? They had all been informed to wear red in honor of my special day:) Adorable!!!
Amongst the popping of balloons, I opened endless presents from my sweet children and parents. The kids were out of control, but I loved it. It was a awesome surprise and reminds me what a wonderful group of kids I have at work..
A few weeks back a friend at work asked if a few of us would all go out to dinner on the 26th. She is getting married in June and wanted to try out a restaurant for her rehearsal dinner. I was more then thrilled to have a dinner date with my friends from work and love weddings, so we all marked the calendar. So, after a hectic school closing, (as mentioned the kids were all hopped up on cupcakes) we all headed to Olive Garden for a intimate dinner of about 6 people from work. Wrong, again.
I walk to a back room and there sit 20 or so of my coworkers. They had planned this night to be a baby shower all along. And again, apparently they thought I knew because teachers are not the most stealth people in the world-and we are loud:) I was astonished that I was fooled twice in one day. Mitch was even there to help celebrate. We dined on yummy Italian food and baby received more wonderful gifts. I do have the best coworkers in the world. I am hoping my scatterbrain mode will diminish after baby's birth and I will get my intuitive nature back. But, for now, I am happy to be completely and utterly in the dark.
Some pics from Olive Garden