Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful for Relaxation
With Mitch completely done with his medic classes and finding myself at the half way mark in my pregnancy, massages seemed like the perfect way to start the holiday season. Mitch was treated to a hour long Swedish Massage, while I opted for the Pregnancy Massage. Let me just say that this was a godsend and I recommend every pregnant lady get one.
Now, you may be asking yourself where this post is going-here it is. After my massage was over, I headed out to the lobby. My masseuse met me to take me back to the spa lobby. On our way there she mentioned that Mitch's massage may run over. Okay...I am thinking maybe they got started late-except he was taken about 10 minutes before I was from the lobby. She then proceeds to tell met that while she and his masseuse were washing their hands and getting ready to come in that Mitch's masseuse was ecstatic to get to massage Mitch. Okay...I am wondering where this is all going. Lucky, I am not a jealous wife:)
She goes on to say that the girl was thrilled to learn Mitch is a firefighter. At this point, I realize that the girl is not attracted to my dear hubby. Seeing as we often get the same reaction whenever someone learns Mitch is a firefighter. My masseuse lets me know that the girl is currently going through the process to become a firefighter and thought this was a nice opportunity to get some inside info.
The masseuse laughs and asks if I heard Mitch through the joining walls to our rooms. I had heard a Mitch version of a Charlie Brownish "wha, wha, wha" during my massage. I said I had heard him and we both laughed. Seeing as I was yelled at the first time I ever got a massage for talking, I usually just stay quiet. But, not Mitch- he talked away during the first half of his massage. So, I sat in the lobby for about another 10 minutes waiting for Mitch. He struts in all relaxed and I dare say glowing from being allowed time to hand out knowledge about the road to becoming a firefighter.
Here is my issue people...why did Mitch get the perk to a longer(almost 20 long minutes) massage, than his poor pregnant wife. It's the career, I tell you. Being a firefighter is like being a celebrity. It even got a discount on our nursery furniture. I guess I cannot complain because I often reap the benefit, too. However, I was a bit jealous of his extra massage time. LOL!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Halfway There...20 Weeks!
We have nicknamed baby "Sweet pea." We were at Babies R Us beginning a registry and MItch saw a bib he thought was really cute. Yep, it came about all because of a bib Mitch liked. I was overruled when I mentioned it sounded like a girl nickname, because Popeye's baby was a boy and named Sweet pea. how can I fight that logic. Since we are unaware of baby's gender, giving him or her a name seemed better than referring to baby as an it.
On November 21st, we headed to our 20-week appointment. All the usual tests and procedures were the same. Everything looks great, mommy and baby are both in good health. Hearing baby's heartbeat was a bit different. As we listened, a strange noise caught me off guard. It was sort of fuzzy, like if an announcer dropping his microphone at a football game. the doctor laughed and informed us everything was okay. The sound we heard was baby kicking up a storm. Doctor G let us know we have a "maniac child" on the way. I guess it is good that I am still blissfully unaware of all this kicking.
20 Weeks-this may be my last week wearing my pre-pregnancy pants:)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Boy or Girl? And baby will be...
On Wednesday, November 12th, we headed to our 18-week ultrasound. We got up bright and early to meet Milchak Mom at the doctor's office to view our little sweet pea. Baby seems to take after daddy, he/she is very chill and relaxed. Check out the photo below, where baby is blissfully relaxing with his/her hand under her chin. Baby must be a thinker, too.

Of course, when it came to the big question, we politely declined to know the gender of the baby. Which was probably a good thing, because baby decided not to be very cooperative at this point. Baby seems very happy is mommy's tummy, because no matter what the nurse did, she could not get baby to turn for profile picture. Mitch mentioned that this was where it's mother's genes came into play, being uncooperative and stubborn. Milchak Mom loved this one. I, personally, think baby was tired of being poked and prodded while trying to rest peacefully. One of the last shots, before the nurse left to give baby some time to move around. Obviously, this is baby's Van Gogh "The Scream" look or for younger generations, the "Home Alone" look. Would you stop pushing on my mother's belly!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Baby's Furniture

We wanted something with longevity, durability, beauty, and safety. We fell in love the Tuscan Collection by Pali in a terracotta finish. It really just screams Mitch and Catherine, doesn't it.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Maternity Fashions
After a yummy lunch at Pei-Wei, we headed to Kohl's. Mom and Jaime were super helpful in helping me pick out a few essential pieces. Who says you need to spend a fortune on maternity clothes? They are only good for a few months. I am almost 20 weeks and all my clothes still fit. So, less then $200 later I now have three pairs of pants(jeans, black and gray), several cute tops (this is one of my holiday Xmas top), and a gorgeous dress Jaime got me as a "yeah, your pregnant" gift. She, also, got baby an adorable outfit with a firetruck on it with the word's "Daddy's Hero to the Rescue." Gotta love her!
All and all, I think today was a huge success. A couple of sweaters and I think I am done. Hopefully...